Thursday, March 13, 2025

Swift Proposal: Import Objective-C Completion Handler Parameters As @Sendable


The @Sendable annotation indicates that closure parameters are passed over an isolation boundary before they’re called. A missing @Sendable annotation in a library has negative effects on clients who call the function; the caller can unknowingly introduce data races, and SE-0423: Dynamic actor isolation enforcement from non-strict-concurrency contexts injects runtime assertions for non-Sendable closure parameters that are passed into libraries that don’t have data-race safety checking. This means that a missing @Sendable annotation can lead to a runtime crash for any code that calls the API from an actor isolated context, which is extremely painful for projects that are migrating to the Swift 6 language mode.

There’s a large category of APIs with closure parameters that can be automatically identified as @Sendable functions, even if the annotation is missing: Objective-C methods with completion handler parameters. @Sendable is nearly always the right default for Objective-C completion handlers, and programmers have already been searching for an automatic way for completion handlers to be @Sendable by default when auditing Clang headers.


If a completion handler does not cross an isolation boundary before it’s called, the parameter can be annotated in the header with the @nonSendable attribute using __attribute__((swift_attr("@nonSendable"))).


Changing this proposal later to use sending instead will pose source compatibility issues, because it would become invalid to have a protocol requirement that is imported with a sending completion handler and implement the requirement with a @Sendable completion handler. The same source compatibility issue exists for overridden class methods.


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