New Blog Server
My apologies for this site being slow and dropping connections over past few days. It’s been moved to a new server and should be much faster now. Please let me know if you continue to see any issues.
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Michael, I just wanted to say that I appreciate the service you provide. This is by far the best place to whine about shitty technology.
Oh good. I was also contemplating leaving you a message about it. I feared your server had been hacked and was instead hashing bitcoins or something.
Today in shitty tech: Nighthawk RS700 firmware provides a checkbox in the web UI for disabling the DHCP server that simply does not work, even though it shows as being disabled in the dashboard. Totally kiboshed running a local filtering DNS resolver with a local DHCP server managing hostname registration. There is literally no solution but replacing the router, which is infeasible at the moment.
It would be nice not to be quite so sad and reactionary and cynnical. But reality leaves us no choice, sadly. It's not you, it's them!