Friday, September 20, 2024

Rewriting Tumblr

Automattic (via Sarah Perez, Slashdot):

Since Automattic acquired Tumblr we’ve made it more efficient, grown its revenue, and worked to improve the platform. But there’s one part of the plan that we haven’t yet started, which is to run Tumblr on WordPress. I’m pleased to say we’re kicking off that project now!


We’re talking about running Tumblr’s backend on WordPress. You won’t even notice a difference from the outside.


This won’t be easy. Tumblr hosts over half a billion blogs. We’re talking about one of the largest technical migrations in internet history.

Dave Winer:

This could get a simple colorful user-friendly interface for WordPress, something it’s needed for a long time. WordPress does everything in its UI, Tumblr has its UI better organized for writers and more casual users. If they can move in this direction, it seems that WordPress could be large part of the emerging social web.


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Your reputation is considerably diminished by reposting comments from DW. I will remember it.

I'm going to need some details to explain that comment.

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