Thursday, September 12, 2024

Swift Build Times and Module Verification

Paulo Andrade:

Secrets’ build time must have gotten slower and slower without me really noticing it… until Xcode’s 16 betas, where I felt I really needed to understand what was going on.


The compiler is clearly spending most of the 3.5 minutes it took to build Secrets on verifying modules[…] This all sounds good and dandy, especially if you’re distributing a framework, but I clearly don’t want to be doing this in Secrets on every build!


This tweak brought down the build time from 3.5 minutes to 52 seconds 😮!


1 Comment RSS · Twitter · Mastodon

Aren't frameworks an app launch time killer on macOS anyway, or did I misunderstood Jeff Johnson's article? (I'm no Apple app developer)

Yet they — and slow app launches — seem very common in crafty macOS apps.

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