Friday, August 2, 2024

Unread RSS Reader for Mac

John Brayton:

Unread for Mac is a native Mac app. The user interface is built with AppKit and a touch of SwiftUI.


Like on iPhone and iPad, on Mac you can easily switch between showing feed text, webpage text, or both for an individual article.

The latter is for feeds that contain only a summary.

Unread is a free app. Premium features are available with a subscription.

The subscription is $4.99/month or $29.99/year. An interesting feature is “Save to Unread,” which lets you add random (non-feed) pages from your Web browser to read in the app.

It’s not AppleScriptable, so it can’t work with EagleFiler’s capture key, but it does work the share extension so that you can save articles after reading them.

See also: Niléane Dorffer.


5 Comments RSS · Twitter · Mastodon

Really? MacOS 14.2 required? Why do we need to be so bleeding edge? Not everyone can update immediately, especially when apple pushes out garbage every other minor-release.

Unread Annual Subscription $29.99




Enough with this subscription practice. No. I’d rather yearly donate this amount to NetNewsWire (if it was possible), than to support another subscription business.

@Jack am guessing this is due to the use of SwiftUI and the likely need to use the most recent macOS version to have access to many useful SwiftUI features.

Though it does reduce the potential user base initially, it is an issue which solves itself over time.

@Matthew That was my assumption too, given the way the UI looks and behaves, but it is not. The hierarchy is all AppKit, from what I could tell.

@Leo: In looking into this further, it seems that *most* of the app is completely free. I will probably spring for the subscription for some of the premium features and to support the app’s development — but it indeed looks like this is *not* a case where the app’s free version has been hobbled.

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