Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Apple Maps Location Scan Slows Down Wi-Fi

Ben Kuhn:

I just did another round of “what’s making my Zoom calls stutter every 60s” and this time the culprit was… APPLE #!*$ING MAPS. That’s right, Macs now come preloaded with software to ruin wifi latency :(

You can fix by revoking Maps’ location access in Preferences[…]

This time, Maps was requesting a location scan every 60s, which triggered a wifi network scan, which, as previously discussed, tanks your latency for a few seconds.

Adam Engst:

Complaints about website loading have been trickling in of late, and while the details vary, the commonality has been that the problems started with macOS 12.4 Monterey. Sometimes the problem was just with Safari; other times, it affected Chrome and other browsers too. In some cases, the entire page would refuse to load; in others, only portions of the page would fail.

The solution to the problems I’ve seen so far is simple: in System Preferences > Network, turn off Limit IP Address Tracking for each network adapter you use (Ethernet and Wi-Fi below—they look surprisingly different).


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