LaunchBar 5.1
LaunchBar 5.1 adds some nice new features:
Browsing & Search now works for all file types that can be converted into plain text (.txt, .rtf, .rtfd, .html, .h, .m, .doc, .webarchive, etc.)
The Search File Contents action can now be triggered more conveniently with Command-F. Alternatively, it can still be triggered with Option-Space or Control-Space.
Property List Browsing (Developers, you will love this!): Select a *.plist file and press Right Arrow to browse the plist hierarchy. Works also with a number of other filetypes such as .strings, .dict, .pbxproj or .ini and more.
There’s also a new “Run Shell Command” action that avoids the clutter of opening a Terminal window, but unlike the Terminal commands in the File menu it does not receive the current file/folder as input.