Friday, November 27, 2020

Preparing an iOS App for Mac

Ryan Ashcraft:

This is not Catalyst. It’s also not the future™ (aka SwiftUI). This is a practical, albeit compromised, solution for today. A solution to give the Mac App Store a kick in the butt, an adrenaline shot, a splash of cold water.


Most importantly, for users that are OK with running the FoodNoms iPad app on their Mac and would get value out of it, now they can, as long as they have an M1 Mac. It’s clearly branded and marketed as an iPhone/iPad app, so I don’t have anything to apologize about – it’s not a Mac app!


I was pleasantly surprised how well it seemed to work out of the box. That said, there were a few bugs and issues that needed to be fixed. As part of this blog post, I figured I’d share what those bugs were. I think it could give a good idea for developers and non-developers of a) how trivial it is to get an iPad app running without known issues and b) how good of a job Apple did with getting all of the iOS frameworks working smoothly on macOS.


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"How do you know if you're running in macOS? Well, I present to you the most important piece of code you will need in order to patch macOS specific behaviors:"

I'm confused. If you're starting down that path, why not make the app Catalyst? Is that significantly more effort?

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