Friday, March 23, 2018

Apple Stores Suffer From Customer Complaints, Long Wait Time

Kate Taylor:

A recent trip to a New York City Apple Store by Business Insider’s Avery Hartmans revealed a chaotic, hellish mess.

The store was packed with people. It was unclear which employees were available to help and which were otherwise occupied. Without a reservation, it was nearly impossible to get help at the Genius Bar. To make matters worse, it could be days before there was an open reservation.

This isn’t an isolated issue. Social media has been flooded with complaints about Apple Stores in recent months.


“We haven’t been able to keep up with traffic since I started 8 years ago,” a senior Genius at a small store in the Midwest told Business Insider. “I wouldn’t even walk in the store because of how crowded it gets. During Christmas [season] you can hardly move.”

Via Mike Rundle:

Buying something at an Apple Store, ostensibly the most important interaction at any type of store, is annoying and involves wandering aimlessly to find an employee. Not fun at all.

Neven Mrgan:

My last five visits have been complete disasters. It was worse than going to Best Buy in the 90s. If any other business had a waiting area consisting of “go stand in that corner,” we’d laugh at it mercilessly.

Previously: Angela Ahrendts’s Plan for Apple Retail.

3 Comments RSS · Twitter

They are very slow at expanding stores.

One supposes having a robust third party Apple authorized network was an important feature after all. Oh well. Frankly Apple will continue laughing all the way to the bank. All these complaints don't really matter if Apple still makes "country sized economy" bank. The regular customer just doesn't matter.

It's funny, I much prefer going to Best Buy, coincidentally, they sell Macs, iOS devices, and Apple TVs and probably offer better deals to boot. Have no clue how good their service for those devices fare. But it's an option for some people.

[…] It’s hard for me to get excited about Today at Apple. What I want to hear from retail is how they’re going to fix the Genius Bar. […]

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