BitTorrent Sync vs. Dropbox
Dropbox costs me about $120 per year. To share data with my wife, without having to purchase a second subscription, required installing Dropbox on her Mac, but logged into my Dropbox account. Sharing data with my kids, however, would have required purchasing paid Dropbox accounts for them, as our shared “Family” data exceeds the Dropbox free account level.
For $40 per year, a single BTS license can be used on multiple computers. And if you can get by syncing up to 10 folders, it’s free!
BitTorrent Sync also supports selective sync, but dramatically improves on the Dropbox implementation by allowing you to continue to see the contents of excluded folders locally, and—here’s the killer feature—also allowing you to access that data on demand!
1 Comment RSS · Twitter
Yep, I use it for some time now and couldn't be happier.
Was very helpful in setting up a shared folder with my co-worker, a graphics designer, so we would sync app assets.
Or to distribute Xcode.dmg files to others in the office.
Or to sync my blog post markdown files with the server hosting it.
It's a shame that they imposed a 10 folder limit in the new versions for the free tier.