Friday, December 6, 2024

Key Repeat in Sequoia

Brett Terpstra:

But one thing I found frustrating was that setting key repeat delay and key repeat speed in System Settings was having no effect. Keys that had diacritics still just popped up the special character popover, and keys without didn’t do anything at all when held.


Run the following in Terminal:

defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false

Then reboot your machine (simply logging out might do it). Now the key repeat settings in System Settings will actually have an effect.

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The linked article is titled “… in Sequoia”, but this has been the behavior for many, many years, if press and hold is enabled.

@Léo Yes, but it was still confusing people, including me.

@Michael without this feature, you can’t search for my name on JIRA, because … Unicode search is hard, I guess. 🙃 Leo does not find Léo.

Doesn’t it produce the same Unicode as Option-E-E?

I’m actually not sure. I know there is é in the ascii table, but also a combining diacritic character with e. Not sure what option produces vs long-press popup. Also wouldn’t be surprised if JIRA gets confused if different.

I wonder what JIRA is using for search that it can’t handle diacritics.

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