The App Store Era Must End
Jason Snell (tweet, Macworld, podcast):
To a kid growing up in the 1980s, the idea that the maker of your computer would actively stop you from using software it didn’t approve of would have seemed beyond the pale. It certainly would’ve been a deal-breaker. And yet so many of today’s computing devices are locked down—for some good reasons, but also a lot of bad ones.
What do we want the world to look like in the future? Is the destiny of the most important invention of the last half-century, the computer, to become a series of locked-down devices controlled by the giant companies that designed them? Should the iPhone be the model for all future devices?
If Apple’s locked-down approach in the App Store era is our future, it’s a bleak one indeed. […] When we consider the future of computing devices, the Mac is the model we should aspire to, not the iPhone.
But over time, the inevitable happened: Apple used the exclusivity of the App Store and its total control over the platform to extract money through rent-seeking and to bar businesses from admitting that the web existed outside their apps. Perhaps worst of all, the App Store’s exclusivity allowed Apple to essentially treat app developers as Apple employees, forcing them to follow Apple’s guidelines and please Apple’s approval apparatus before their apps would be allowed to be seen by the public. Whole classes of apps were banned entirely, some publicly, some silently.
It’s not often I want to shout “Amen!” as I read an article, but here we are. I think I startled my sleeping dog.
I do not know that there is a new argument here. But to see them in a single document is compelling.
I worry the App Store model and the regulatory response has irreparably damaged Apple’s entire ethos. Not destroyed, but definitely damaged. Apple prides itself on making the entire widget: hardware, software, and services. No competitor has a similar model. It has gotten away with this through a combination of user trust, and not being nearly big enough for regulators to be concerned about. But the iPhone fundamentally upset both these qualities.
There are certainly plenty of people who believe Apple should be able to do with the iPhone what it wishes, and that — thanks to the power of the free market — people who do not like those changes will simply go buy something else. Perhaps. But perhaps, too, Apple’s influence over a billion users worldwide is something worth checking on. If Apple had responded more amenably to concerns raised over the past decade, maybe it would not find itself in this position today — but here we are.
TV Time, a popular TV and movie tracking and recommendations app with more than 30 million registered users, disappeared from Apple’s App Store for several weeks, leading to questions about its future from the app’s avid fan base. Considering that 2.5 million users use the app every month to track what they’re watching and to engage in a social network where they can comment on individual episodes, vote for favorite characters, post images and GIFs, and connect with other users, its disappearance didn’t go unnoticed.
On November 1, the company announced via a post on X that it was aware the app had been removed from the App Store and that it was “working with Apple to get it back ASAP.”
After TechCrunch reached out to TV Time and Apple about the app’s removal, the app was reinstated on the App Store.
“Despite Whip Media having complied with the DMCA and explaining that to Apple, the complainant notified Apple that its claim was ‘unresolved,’ and Apple decided to remove TV Time from the App Store,” he says.
Musi believes Apple acted improperly, breaching its contract with the app removal before investigating the claims made by YouTube.
In many cases, it’s probably justifiable for Apple to boot the app, especially in extremely obvious instances of copyright infringement. However, an increasing number of developers believe that copyright claims are being handled poorly and that Apple’s power to kick apps is too much.
That bureaucratic failure of a developer falling between the cracks is merely one of many that have happened over the years.
That old, and irrelevant inventory is a key problem. The apps people want to really use generally aren’t going to be found in the Mac App Store unless they’re apps Apple makes.
Surely, we don’t want this disinterest to fall on iOS? We don’t want another disused, gray, box of a store. If people aren’t held by force inside of this magical font of app development then no one will ever use it!
The reason that the Mac App Store gathers cobwebs is because Apple gave up on caring if it earns money when compared to its far more profitable predecessor. It couldn’t come close to the money the iOS App Store made, which is why Apple today expends so much effort arguing for iOS to remain as it is. It’s not because apps outside the App Store kill the App Store, it’s because the App Stores need to compete for business and if you don’t compete, well, you’re an office supply store owner hoping someone just doesn’t know how to shop on the internet.
“Yes, the App Store was a hastily rewritten version of the system Apple used for iTunes, a decision that sealed the fate of Apple’s software platform as a hit-driven marketplace backed by systems designed for record companies to upload music.”
I’m glad to see this acknowledged in the news media. It happens so rarely.
“Once again, the only way forward is the Mac”
I wish that this would become the future. Fewer nag dialogs, fewer lock-downs. Maybe not for my tech-averse aunt, but for people who want to.
The funny things is that this single move most likely would solve most issues with the iPad and the Apple Vision Pro instantly.
Eye tracking isn’t available and access to the camera wasn’t available at launch. It is now, but it’s locked behind an entitlement only available to enterprise apps. This seems to neglect part of what makes the platform special.
You need the entitlement in order to try it out at all. You need to sell Apple on your use case before you can even start building.
- Musi for YouTube Removed From the App Store
- DMA Compliance: Initial Acquisition and Store Services Fees
- Sequoia Removes Gatekeeper Contextual Menu Override
- UTM Blocked Outside App Store via Notarization
- Can Anyone But a Tech Giant Build the Next Big Thing?
- EU Fines Apple $2 Billion Over Anti-Steering Rules
- DMA Compliance: Alternative App Stores But No Sideloading
- iOS: Closing of the Frontier
- On Walled Gardens
- What It Was Like to Sell Apps Online in 2003
- Tim Cook on Sideloading
- Multiple Alternative Channels
- Requesting Entitlements, Still Broken
- New Apple Store Guidelines for Streaming Games
- App Rejected for Using Unofficial Tesla API
- Potential
- Another Apple-Funded App Store Study
- Software Before the App Store
Update (2024-11-25): See also: Hacker News.
I have said it many times. The generations before us created these awesome computers that we played with and learned to make awesome stuff on. But we used that to create these locked-down, stupid, devices so the next generations can only consume stuff on.
If you were a Mac developer in 2006 and earlier, you didn’t have to do anything that Apple wanted.
You didn’t even need an Apple Developer account, or indeed an Apple ID (which was used primarily for iTunes Music Store purchases). The Xcode developer tools came on disc with every Mac.
I’m not sure that developers today can imagine such a world of freedom. They come in adopting a servile mindset.
Update (2024-12-10): Isaiah Carew:
nearly every other major negative change to software industry in the past ten years can trace some roots to app store ubiquity[…]
Update (2025-02-10): John Gruber (Mastodon):
I’m quite certain that if iOS shifted to Mac-style rules for software distribution, I personally would enjoy it with zero downsides — I’d gain access to software previously unavailable from App Store (we could make Kotoba a simple download, for example), new software that never existed in the first place due to App Store rules would spring into existence, and I’m quite confident I’d personally never once be tricked or fooled into installing even a single piece of software I’d later come to regret. So if Apple were ever to follow Snell’s advice — whether by a change of mind in Cupertino, or begrudgingly at the figurative gunpoint of government regulation — I would personally come out happier for it. So too, probably would you.
But he’s still against the idea because he thinks millions of less technical users would be taken advantage of.
I think the number of iOS users who would get tricked into side loading malware is probably less than “millions”. Presumably, known malware would be blocked from running in iOS just as it is in macOS. Sure, there would be early infectees before a given new malware becomes known and blocked, just as there are victims of scam App Store apps before those apps get taken down.
The crApp Store is full of junk, bait and switches, exploits, scams, even malware. It is NOT SAFE. Especially not for unsophisticated users who are most likely to fall for the aforementioned crApps.
Not only is the crApp Store UNSAFE for unsophisticated users, but also we App Store developers constantly encounter potential customers who have been burned and are ultra-suspicious of everything.
It’s possibly worse, in that the veneer of an impenetrable, higher level of safety is there with all of the App Store marketing muscle, whereas there’d at least be a little more attention paid when browsing other sources. (Similar comparison to alert fatigue, where defenses are lowered and everyone just OKs past everything unless handled very judiciously.)
The crApp Store is a honeypot for criminals, because app review is easy to bypass, user ratings and reviews are easy to fake, and search is easy to manipulate.
And criminals don’t have to worry about how to get money from their victims, because Apple kindly takes payments for them.
26 Comments RSS · Twitter · Mastodon
Besides restricting the freedom to run what software we want on our own devices, I also put a lot of blame on the App Store for turning the software industry toward subscription pricing by not allowing upgrade pricing.
I can't blame developers for choosing the subscription model when the other choice is providing free upgrades forever (or crapping up your app with ads).
It was a dealbreaker for me -- I never bought a games console.
It is still a dealbreaker for me -- no longer developing Mac software, having previously given up on developing iPhone software.
And I certainly don't think the Mac now is the model that should be followed by all other computers: one in which a dictator decides what is safe for the little kindergartners to run. Enough with the dumbing down already.
I don't understand Jason's point. Apple has made it crystal clear that this is not the path they are going to go down. Even if they are forced at the point of a gun (i.e. by government action) they are going to resist at every point. We're just lucky they haven't switched the Mac to this model ... yet.
How many software developers were told that their apps are not permitted? This is not Apples job at all. Their only job should be to prevent fraud. I always found it ironic that they are so bad at dealing with real fraud.
The permissions/entitlements/stupid dialogs need to go. They have become a nuisance and hinder me at doing my work.
And I blame Apple that non-developers think we are all millionaires. Whenever we complain about something the non-developers think that we are whining.
Yes, it’s time to invite Phil Schiller to spend more quality time with his family and explore new opportunities in life. Craig could also be invited to do the same.
The only "problem" is that iPhone is the personal computer that the vast majority of users has access to. Not the Mac.
Furthermore, mobile is a much better computing platform to innovate on compared to the desktop.
I am an Apple Developer dying to write software on Apple platforms and still won't.
This is one of the best mainstream articles ever written on this subject. Bookmarking and linking this every time someone tries to defend Apple's current approach to software on the iPhone. So glad it was Jason Snell that wrote this, too. No one on any side can try to claim he doesn't know what he's talking about.
I pretty much agree with this entire piece. But I think the problems with Apple and the mac go much deeper than this.
For one, it doesn't mention the betrayal of the App Store's original premise: giving the user a curated catalog of good and safe apps. There have been so many examples of scam apps getting past review on the App Store at this point that it obviously doesn't protect users. And the "good" part quickly fell away too when the store got flooded with shovel-ware or apps designed to game the economics of the system. Really the system only serves to flog developers acting in good faith.
So the App Store is an utter failure on all counts. There's no part of it that works, not even as intended.
And then there's the rapidly declining software quality. This is affecting Apple across the board, but I don't think I need to make the case to this crowd how much worse macOS is getting not just in terms of being locked down but in terms of how buggy and unpleasant it's becoming to use.
Apple needs to do a complete about-face if they want to get back to actually making good computers. Right now they're heading straight towards a cliff.
Copy @OUG and @Beatrix Willius.
We do not need even more silly hand-wavy arguments defending the imperfections of an imperfect platform—one that doesn't still ultimately leave total freedom to the user—when we can simply demand one that does. It is irritating to the point of thrombosis! If MacOS is your guide, at least spell out how you think the status quo should change so Apple's involvement is ultimately *completely optional*. Otherwise you're just making a very "liberal" argument for computing tyranny, one which you may find acceptable today in the context of a largely compliant Apple but which may prove problematic tomorrow. It is notable that the DMCA, an obviously and deeply flawed bit of reactionary legislation of help only to abusive rightsholders, is being seen as probably within Apple's remit to comply with despite its flaws, and despite the obvious harm it is doing to developers. No! I want Apple's help, not its hindrance. Let me decide to do without Apple's assessments, guardrails, spot checks, whatever. The App Store can only grow to be the safe place people want when Apple has the clearest possible motivation to compete, and it can only do that when total openness and freedom are the alternative and it is actually forced to do its fucking job.
It is even more than that. For instance, the Apple Watch does not have a visible standalone web browser like Safari and you cannot install other. For me that is a must. As is to be able to configure and use the Apple Watch without any dependency (I do NOT want any smart phone). And last but not least, if the Apple Watch had a telescopic rotating retractable camera in the crown neck (protecting from dust and sweat, besides privacy) I would buy the Apple Watch Ultra 2 even for 1,000 USD.
So much pure copium. Almost all these people will never use not Apple computer. So why should Apple care what they think?
Not a bad point. Apple isn’t going to care unless it impacts their profits
We can do that by buying used Macs and iPhones and Linux is always an option on the computer
Even switching to Android phones is an option
As you might have heard, Marshall Brain died. He wrote a story called Manna (which you can read at this link), about how capitalism and monopolistic control can create a believable dystopia. The basic theme is that wherever individual control is lost, things get dystopic.
Back in 2022 I wrote about how the App Store needs to change for the benefit of everyone (except maybe Apple). After reading it again, I think everything still applies.
Agreed! All Apple cares about is money, as long as people single source their purchases from Apple, the company will not care one whit to change their ways.
I did my part, after the iPad came out I was concerned about the app store changes being made on iOS to make it even more tightly controlled. So around 2010? But I didn't embrace the move away fully from Apple until 2015ish when I finally moved off Mac OS for all my family members (well, the ones I control anyway). I still have that one 2009 MacBook that refuses to die, but it's run Linux on it for, nearly 9 years or so.
To be fair, I started my Linux journey in earnest back in 2004, so it's been 20 years of using it off and on. For phones, I just use Android. I can get really cheap Android phones that are really nice for a fraction of iPhone prices and because I don't solely rely on the Google Play store, Google Services, nor Google apps, I'm able to remain free of the walled garden there. Your mileage may vary of course. Before Android I used Nokia S40 devices, Nokia Symbian devices, and even Blackberry phones. I'm not wedded into any single phone platform really.
@Sam Rowlands
Agreed! Good points made in your article. Funny how many still apply nearly 3 years later.
The only fix needed, for any app store, is to allow side loading. Apple and Google are taking strides in the opposite direction with all this notarization malarkey.
The second step would be to make sure there is full interoperability which would make it easier for those that truly dislike their platform to leave.
That's it. That's all that's needed.
"Almost all these people will never use not Apple computer."
I installed Pop!_OS with the Cosmic alpha 3 on a little 200$ Aliexpress PC last week, just to see. I was blown away by how polished it is, how smartly designed it is, how devoid of garbage, and how fast it runs on an underpowered pos PC.
I can now also buy a notebook from Framework that looks great, can be configured exactly the way I want, can be upgraded in the future, and runs perfectly with Linux.
This isn't the 00s anymore, where OS X was pretty much the only option if you cared about a good computing experience.
No doubt, but even with all the choices out there, it's hard for many users to expand their horizons. I'm a very happy user of Linux, but it's not always perfect. I just wish people would try new things.
I'd love to run BSD more as well. Don't get me wrong.
The Cursed Grail of [App Store, App Review, App Sandbox, Yearly Developer Membership, Notarization] has crippled app innovation.
Look at the apps and games built on System 7 or in the Mac OS "X" era vs the shovelware in the Crap Store today. Hobbyist and freeware developers are mostly gone. Game devs are repelled by Apple's red tape and platform-specific nonsense. Everyone else gets whipped around.
There's only a few people left who care about the platform and making crafted apps. Apple's not among them.
So then where did all those hobbyist and freeware developers go? What's the current platform where people experiment and have fun making software? Linux maybe?
@Bri: This is kinda fun. Reminds me of Basicode... and then Java's original bytecode, although its binaries are kinda big.
Then the demoscene is still big on Windows, and on old retro platforms. A few intrepid souls tried iOS & MacOS, but all the barriers meant it wasn't worth it. There's some stuff on Linux.
I've been reading a book called Chokepoint Capitalism, which you can download for free from google (search for it, then "Read now for free" shows up, but the link changes at each access so it's probably tracking people).
It explains how Apple, Amazon, Live Nation, TV script writing agencies, etc all have created chokepoints between creators' audiences and creators, resulting in them receiving rents for doing no work. While I knew Apple had done this, I had no idea how widespread these monopolistic practices were, explaining why it no longer pays to make interesting music or good books, why movies all suck, etc. A bunch of leaches sucking all the monetary value out of creativity.
It's well worth a read (or listen).
@OUG Doctorow's good, so if you liked Chokepoint, you might also like The Internet Con: How to Seize the Means of Computation. Also adjacent and a well-informed precursor is Technofeudalism: What Killed Capitalism by Yanis Varoufakis.