Monday, October 7, 2024

Dealing With Objective-C Protocol Types in Swift

Dave Rahardja:

There are two ways to refer to this protocol in Swift: using a native Swift type, or using an Objective-C Protocol object reference.

let fungibleSwiftProtocol = Fungible.self
let fungibleObjCProtocol = NSProtocolFromString("Fungible")!

These two types should be the same—after all, they refer to the same protocol—but they are not, as shown when we print out their descriptions and ObjectIdentifiers[…]


The answer is yes: there is a way to convert a Swift type that refers to an Objective-C protocol into an Objective-C Protocol reference.


fungibleSwiftProtocol as AnyObject as? Protocol

There is apparently no way to convert in the other direction.


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If only there was

fungibleSwift as AnyFADGarbage as! ObjC

To help us get rid of this ever-growing nightmare of a language.

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