Tuesday, September 17, 2024

The Accuracy of “Find My” AirPods

Mark Frauenfelder (via Slashdot):

A SWAT team terrorized an innocent St. Louis County family last May, all due to a pair of stolen AirPods and questionable police tactics. Brittany Shamily and her family, including a three-month-old baby, were terrified when heavily armed officers smashed through their front door screaming searching for evidence related to a carjacking that had occurred earlier that day.

The police relied on the “FindMy” app to track the stolen AirPods to Shamily’s home, despite the app’s known inaccuracies. This led to a search warrant being issued, and the SWAT team descended upon the unsuspecting family with overwhelming force.

Ryan Krull:

“FindMy is not that accurate,” says the family’s lawyer, Bevis Schock. “I actually went to my house with my co-counsel and played around with it for an hour. It’s just not that good.”


After this had gone on for more than half an hour, the AirPods were located — on the street outside the family’s home.


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Michael Morrissey

AirPods are dependent on other radio sources such as nearby WiFi. The position as only as good as those sources.

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