Thursday, September 12, 2024

CodeEdit 0.3.1

Rui Carmo:

CodeEdit is a fully native macOS editor heavily inspired by Xcode UX conventions that is very interesting to me as an alternative to Visual Studio Code on the Mac.

Austin Condiff:

It might sound crazy, but we are determined to build an editor native to macOS written in Swift, by the community, for the community. Completely open source and free forever.


CodeEdit is a code editor built by the community, for the community, written entirely and unapologetically for macOS. Features include syntax highlighting, code completion, project find and replace, snippets, terminal, task running, debugging, git integration, code review, extensions, and more.

It sounds and looks very promising, but I couldn’t get it to work like in the screenshots. All I was able to do was open individual files and see them with syntax highlighting. Is there some trick to being able to create a workspace to access the multi-pane interface or use find/replace?


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open a folder.. :)

@Fu Thanks. That does open the desired workspace window. Still no Find panel, and Open Quickly shows a list of files but doesn’t actually open them. The Git integration spins forever loading file contents. I still say it looks promising, but it doesn’t seem ready for use yet.

Haha, I have finally used CodeEdit for the first time today, wanting to do so for a long time. Unfortunately, it’s nit possible to search within a file, a core feature I needed. I will try it next time. But definitely a great attempt, I love the familiar UI.

Just to clarify, the “haha” part comes because it’s funny you mention it the same day I had already tried it :-)) nice coincidence

IMO what the community needs is an IDE that is Xcode-ish that uses clang to compile Objective-C and Swift on non-Apple platforms

Seems like the Search navigator does exist (⌘3) and is very Xcode-like but there is no within-file Find — the entire contents of the Find menu is disabled.

Open Quickly seemed slow compared to other editors I'd used but does work within the project I tried.

Overall what's there looks to be done to a high level of polish, but clearly there are some important features to go. I also got a crash clicking on a Git submodule in the source control navigator.

Wishing the developers luck!

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