Thursday, August 29, 2024

Find Any File 2.5

Thomas Tempelmann:

Adds a “Name without Extension” rule.


Holding the Option key with the search location popup menu open will now also show the System and Data members of bootable volumes. If you choose a “(Data)” volume as the search destination, it’ll skip the original files installed by Apple, making the search faster. If you’re searching only for files you created, this is a useful method to speed things up.


Can now search on NAS and *nix server much faster by running the “find” command remotely.


The popup menus for the search location and the rules can now show the hidden (expert) items by holding down the Option key.

Via John Gruber:

Amongst other features, FAF supports regular expressions, and you can save frequently-used searches to easily re-run them.

Thomas Tempelmann:

A nice side effect of using FindAnyFile on your Time Machine volume is that it can alert you about structural errors on your TM volume, which might later prevent you from restoring all your data. FAF has alerted users hundreds of time about this in the past.

You could as well just run Disk Utility’s First Aid check on the TM volume, but many don’t ever think of that.


1 Comment RSS · Twitter · Mastodon

> Can now search on NAS and *nix server much faster by running the “find” command remotely.

Smooth! I often do this manually. Really must consider purchasing this one. Spotlight is increasingly rubbish targeting network volumes, despite the fact that it's a Mac SMB share!

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