Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Updating Apple Developer Credit Card on File

Adam Tow:

I created my Apple Developer account many years ago, and I think I’m stuck in some kind of limbo state where my credit card information is stored in some forgotten part of Apple’s backend systems.


Yet, even after updating the one card that I thought was expired with the new expiration date and verification code, I was still seeing the warning atop the Apple Developer Account page.


After some more internet sleuthing and digging, I found this thread from 2019 on StackExchange which described a workaround. It involves going to an older Apple Store url.

I had a similar issue updating my address recently. The online forms didn’t fully work, and eventually someone had to fix it manually. I don’t understand how this site used by tens of millions of developers is still so rickety.

Matthias Gansrigler:

I can’t state how much I love when App Store Connect logs me out right after I reply to the App Review board, completely deleting everything I wrote.

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