Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Safari Profiles and Extension Permissions Madness

Jeff Johnson:

I’ve discovered a bug that unexpectedly causes Safari extensions in a profile to lose access to websites. I’ve reproduced the bug in Safari 17.5 on macOS 14.5 and in the Safari 18 beta on the macOS 15 beta. I haven’t yet been able to reproduce on iOS, but correspondence with a customer—the origin of my discovery—suggests that the bug may also exist on iOS. Here are steps to reproduce on Mac with StopTheMadness Pro[…]


Curiously, and falsely, Safari Websites Settings still claims that everything is allowed.

The worst part is that if you’re temporarily experiencing this Safari bug where extensions lack access to websites, and you click Always Allow on This Website, that confused action permanently erases the permissions to access all http and https pages, as seen under the new GrantedPermissionOrigins in the profile’s Extensions.plist file.


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Bugs like this are part of the reason why I don't use Safari any longer.

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