Tuesday, July 16, 2024

An Ode to the Volume Swipe

M.G. Siegler:

I found myself thinking about the AirPods…

Specifically, how truly great the volume swiping mechanism is on the AirPods Pro. This must be my most-used gesture in life beyond perhaps swiping up to unlock my phone. I have AirPods in my ears a good percentage of the day and I’m constantly swiping up or down on the stems to raise or lower the volume of whatever I’m listening to. It’s so handy, literally. It’s done so casually now that it’s second-nature.

Sebastiaan de With:

Reddit comments 8 years ago, when the AirPods were first introduced. Eight years later, AirPods are a bigger business if broken out in revenue than McDonalds or Nike.

Deservedly so. Amazon currently has a Prime Day deal with AirPods Pro 2023 for $168.99 (i.e. $10 more than the original AirPods).


Update (2024-07-18): Flo Crivello:

TIL: there are more transistors in the AirPods Pro than in the CPU of a MacBook Pro from 2010

One is a professional laptop, the other earphones running on a battery weighing about 1 gram

Moore’s Law’s one hell of a thing

See also: John Gruber.

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