iOS 15.3 and iPadOS 15.3
Apple will have a full list of security updates on its website, but today’s iOS and iPadOS 15.3 updates specifically address a recently publicized Safari exploit.
Update (2022-01-31): Damien Petrilli:
iOS 15 big regressions still not fixed 5 months later:
- HomeKit: status is totally buggy and unreliable
- Siri: understand less and less stuff, conflicts between devices when talking
- Syncing: no app can sync in background anymore. You have to open the App to trigger a sync
Update (2022-02-04): Scott Hanselman:
[S]omething has changed in dictation in 15.3. I dictate extensively on my phone and iPad, and i’m seeing regular crashes and lock ups with dictation in seemingly ordinary text boxes
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Some more iOS 15 regressions:
- Accidentally tapping the dictation button in Safari and then 'Not now' breaks all URL autocompletion until you kill and restart Safari
- Something like half the time, tapping the address bar in iPadOS Safari on iPad mini 5 lands your tap in the top-center multitasking menu, which cannot be disabled by any means