Archive for October 13, 2021

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Keyb 1.3

Zev Eisenberg (tweet):

Type with one hand, no special hardware required! I wrote Keyb while holding my sleeping daughter in one hand. It’s also great for permanent and temporary disabilities, or tasks where you want to keep one hand on the mouse, like gaming or spreadsheets.

How does it work? Simply hold down the spacebar, and the left and right half of your keyboard magically swap places. The two halves are mirrored, so if you would normally type a letter with your left middle finger, use your right middle finger. The same is true in the other direction. If you can already touch-type, you’ll be surprised how quickly your brain gets used to it!

It’s free on the Mac App Store.

Swift-DocC Is Now Open Source

Franklin Schrans:

Swift-DocC encompasses tools and libraries to help developers write and generate documentation on many platforms, including macOS and Linux, with the goal to support all platforms with a Swift toolchain. The docc command line tool is already integrated in Xcode 13 and is architected in a way that can be integrated with other build systems such as SwiftPM. The open source project is composed of several components, some of which may be interesting in their own right for building other developer tools. The components include:

  • Swift-DocC — the documentation compiler tool that processes source file comments, standalone Markdown files, and related assets to produce a machine-readable JSON archive.
  • Swift-DocC-Render — a JavaScript-based web application that renders compiled DocC archives.
  • Swift-Markdown — a library that makes it easy to parse Markdown syntax in Swift.
  • SymbolKit — a Swift library that parses the symbol graph files emitted by the Swift compiler. These files encapsulate information about a module’s APIs, including their documentation comments.

The tooling understands the Swift documentation comment syntax already popular within the Swift community in stand-out tools like Jazzy and SwiftDoc, and in IDEs like Xcode. It adds some novel syntax features, too. For example, the double-backtick ``SymbolName`` syntax creates links between symbols.


Visual Studio and Teams Get More Native


We’re moving Visual Studio for Mac to native macOS UI, which will fix over 100 previously reported issues related to performance, reliability, and product quality. By using native macOS UI, the IDE now works more reliably with macOS’s built in assistive technologies. In this first preview release, we’re giving you a glimpse at the IDE and focused on main features .NET developers use to build applications for the web.

My understanding is that this used a cross-platform UI layer [Update: Gtk+], not Electron.

Faisal Khan (via Hacker News):

Microsoft recently announced that they have reached a whopping 250 Million active users with Teams. Not Word or Excel but Teams is the rockstar of the Microsoft Office suite. But, it has always been plagued with performance issues as it consumes heaps of system resources. Running Teams is a nightmare on computers with less memory to work with.


The senior vice president of Microsoft Teams announced that Teams would be moving to their own Edge Webview2 Rendering Engine ditching Electron for seeking performance gains. It is marketed that Teams would consume 2x less memory as a result of the transition. It would be called Teams 2.0 and might ship with Windows 11 in late 2022.

I’m not sure this makes much difference for Mac users, since it’s still built on Web technologies with a bundled browser engine.
