Thursday, May 20, 2021

Carbon Copy Cloner 6

Mike Bombich (tweet):

We’ve completely rebuilt our file copier to take advantage of the performance characteristics of modern storage.


CCC can now tap into the macOS FSEvents service for a list of folders modified on the source since the last backup rather than scanning every folder for changes.


CCC now offers more detailed progress indication while a task is running, including a time remaining estimate. File processing and transfer rates are now charted live during backup tasks.


CCC’s Snapshot Navigator allows you to step through older versions of your backups and get a preview of your files as they were at specific points in time.


If a sudden change in snapshot-related disk usage occurs, or if disk usage is exceeding expectations, CCC raises the change to your attention so you can address the root of the matter.


When your tasks run, CCC will record detailed information about the transactions that occurred during the task, e.g. files copied, files updated, folders created or updated, files deleted or archived. You can view these backup audits in CCC’s Task History window, and never again wonder why CCC copied a particular file.

This is a great update. $40 for new purchases or $20 to upgrade.

See also: What’s new in CCC 6? and Beyond Bootable Backups: Adapting recovery strategies for an evolving platform.


1 Comment RSS · Twitter

Hopefully, Apple will allow much, much, much easier bootable backups as was previously possible. Apple, macOS is great, but we need functionality above all. BTW, the most secure computer is the one that is always turned off. But we do not want that, do we? Thanks!

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