BitBar Needs a Developer
Hey developer friends, it has come to my attention that BitBar development has stopped. I love this app and maybe you do too? If anyone is interested in keeping it afloat (and getting it to work well with Big Sur), here’s a github thread.
See also: How bad is the air out there?.
Update (2020-11-23): Casey Liss:
Both @jsnell and I have been lamenting the apparent abandonment of BitBar. He has since pointed me to SwiftBar, by @melonamin which seems to be the spiritual replacement. 🎉
Update (2020-12-16): Jason Snell:
I have come to rely on having little blobs of information available to me whenever I glance up to my Mac’s menu bar. Thanks to SwiftBar, I don’t need to even consider the prospect that I might have to give that up.
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Mat Ryer, the original developer, is specifically searching for a developer to do a complete Swift rewrite: