Developing an iOS App in 2018
Disregarding the limited utility of the app for most of you, I’d just like to quickly talk about how developing an iOS app from scratch in 2018 feels like.
First of all, the basic architecture of the app: we use MVVM-Rx layered in modules, and the only couple “real” dependencies we have is RxSwift and RxDataSources.
The vast majority of the code is purely functional and reactive. It is a pleasure to read as well as to write.
Secondly, Swift.
From Value Types to CaseIterable, passing by Decodable, Generics, Auto-Synthesised E&H conformances, Keypaths and the power of its Enums, Swift has become an essential pillar of the code we write.
I love Objective-C, but I would never want to go back.