Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Camera.app Still Pauses Audio Playback

Ole Begemann:

Taking photos or videos while listening to music is not an edge case. It’s unclear to me whether the current behavior is a deliberate choice by the engineers who wrote the camera app or if nobody really thought about this, but I think it’s a bad default.

I can imagine many situations where I would want music playback to continue while I’m recording a video or taking a photo (Live Photo or not). I almost always listen to podcasts or music when I walk around the city, and this is also a great opportunity for taking pictures. And it’s not even limited to using headphones. Say you’re at a party where people are taking turns at playing songs on the room’s stereo wirelessly from their smartphones. You wouldn’t want your iPhone to stop music playback just because you want to take a video of your dancing friends.

Previously: My iPhone 6s and iOS 9 Experience, iOS 9.2.

Update (2016-03-23): Nick Heer:

Apple does see this as a bug, but it’s inexplicable to me that it remains unfixed after three major iOS 9 updates.

Or, looking at it another way, even if Apple fixes it in the next update it will have been broken for more than half of iOS 9’s life.

Update (2016-05-17): Nick Heer:

One day, listening to music while taking a photo will once again be possible. I have hope.

4 Comments RSS · Twitter

[…] camera-pauses-audio bug is still not […]

[…] in denial of how buggy their software has become. The iOS 9.3.4 update still hasn’t fixed the Camera audio bug, and it made my iPhone stop charging, at a very inconvenient time, so that I thought its Lightning […]

[…] in denial of how buggy their software has become. The iOS 9.3.4 update still hasn’t fixed the Camera audio bug, and it made my iPhone stop charging, at a very inconvenient time, so that I thought its Lightning […]

[…] camera audio bug is finally fixed. HDR still doesn’t stay on. Importing photos via Image Capture now requires […]

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