Sunday, December 20, 2015

Core Data Threading Demystified

Marcus Zarra (comments):

In the best way, we go back to having one PSC, but we’re going to use the new APIs in iOS 6. We’re going to add a private MOC that talks to that PSC. Then, we’re going to add our main context and define it as a main context, and we’re going to make that a child of that private MOC. Any data processing will be below the main MOC, so we will have three levels of contexts.


This design allows us to have asynchronous saves, which is extremely important. It allows us to save and to consume or process data without blocking the UI. A user can happily scroll through our application, look at data, play with it, and we’re not telling them that they have to wait for us.


We have an extra level of indirection between the PSC and the main MOC, so we will get a little bit of slowness there. When I say little bit, I mean if I build up a test case it does thousands upon thousands of iterations, I will find a 1-2% variance in the speed.


You can use notifications to force one child to consume updates from the other child, but don’t do this. It’s just a bad idea.

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[…] particular note is that, contra Zarra, he thinks child contexts are usually […]

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