Saturday, January 31, 2015

iTunes 12.1’s Info Window

Kirk McElhearn:

This corrects one of the elements of iTunes 12 that I was critical of in my Macworld review:

“I find the lack of borders around the text fields make it a lot harder to visually scan the window, like trying to use a spreadsheet with no borders. It’s also hard to tell which fields are editable. I’m also disappointed that not all available fields appear by default. To add extra fields you have to click Add Field at the bottom.”

All the fields are now visible, with borders, making it easier to navigate this window. However, for some reason, Apple felt it wasn’t necessary to have the window display all the tags, and has it set to be scrollable. This is unfortunate. You can resize the window, if you wish. In my first tests, the new size wasn’t retained when I re-opened the window, but I changed it again, and it was saved.

John Gordon:

Looks like Apple removed the hidden multi-edit feature in iTunes 12.1. Open right click get info no longer shows the good/old multi-edit dialog, just the new/crap one.

Kirk McElhearn:

This means that, for most users, tagging will no longer involve typing and pressing the Tab key a few times, but looking closely at the window to find where the fields are, and manually clicking in different locations.

Why would Apple decide to put the Album tag near the bottom of the window? This is one of the most important tags for music. And why would they promote the Composer, and even the BPM tags? This design was clearly made by people who don’t tag music in iTunes.

Update (2015-02-01): Jamie Zawinski:

This is a new one. This time it randomly decided that only most of my music is now Other.

1 Comment RSS · Twitter

ITunes 12 get info was a disaster. 12.1 is worse in some ways and slightly better in others. How do you delete album art from multiple items in 12.1? It was damned difficult in 12.0, and seemingly impossible in 12.1

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