SourceTree 1.7
Atlassian has released a new version of its SourceTree client for Git and Mercurial. I use it in concert with Tower. Tower has a cleaner user interface that’s great for committing changes and viewing the contents of a commit, including multiple files at once. SourceTree, though, has a better per-file history view and can search the contents of a commit rather than just the comments. (This search feature seems to be broken for me in the current version; I’m currently talking with their tech support people about it.)
For reasons that I don’t understand, neither client provides an easy way for me to get the revision history for a file that I have in the Finder, Terminal, or an editor. You’d think that you could drag and drop it onto the Dock icon or use AppleScript or a command-line tool. Instead, you have to drill down or search for it from within the client.
Update (2013-09-20): The “File Changes” search bug is fixed in SourceTree 1.7.1.
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[…] hard to access the history for a file if you’re starting from your text editor or the Finder. Why can’t you drag and drop a file onto the Dock icon? Or onto the search box? Or pass it to the gittower […]