Monday, October 1, 2012

iPad 1

Marco Arment:

It’s frustrating to have such a large purchase become obsolete so quickly. And this is even fast by iOS standards — after all, iOS 6 runs (with many features disabled) on the iPhone 3GS, which was released 9 months before the iPad 1.

He thinks support was dropped because the iPad 1 has a larger screen but only 256 MB of RAM. I’m surprised there hasn’t yet been an outcry when apps are updated and people are no longer able to re-download the versions that work on their old devices.

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[...] Link. I wonder too. by jgordon on October 1, 2012  •  Permalink Posted in share Tagged s [...]

"I’m surprised there hasn’t yet been an outcry when apps are updated and people are no longer able to re-download the versions that work on their old devices."

You expect folks to expect more than 19 months of life-expectancy from Apple devices?

It's a feature, not a bug...

The fact that the iPad 1 does not support iOS 6 is a strong point for the iPad 1. That way, iPad 1 owners are not going to get stuck with the poor Map application in iOS 6.

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