Archive for March 2, 2012

Friday, March 2, 2012

ATPM 18.03

The March issue of ATPM is out:

Key-Value Observing Done Right: Take 2

Gwynne Raskind:

In Mike Ash’s article in 2008, circa Leopard, he described three major issues. Of those, only one has been solved since (the missing context parameter to observation removal). The other two, a lack of custom selectors and the uselessness of the context pointer, remain unsolved, and more issues have arisen since…


It is my personal opinion that KVO received so little attention because it was originally implemented as nothing more than a piece of the puzzle behind Cooca bindings. Cocoa bindings have been, in the opinion of many (including myself), a dismal failure in their intended purpose of making UI easy to wire up to code.

What follows is much cleverness, but this is really something that Apple should address in Cocoa itself.

Nobody Has It All Figured Out

Brittany Tarvin of FadingRed:

I wish I had known this when trying to make the difficult decision of going “indie” three years ago. I knew that no one was perfect, but I went through patches of insecurity where I imagined that every other entrepreneur out there in the world knew more about what it takes to be successful than I did, and that as a result I was not ready.

I think the key is to be motivated by your ignorance rather than discouraged by it.