Opening Header Files via LaunchBar
I’ve long used LaunchBar to quickly open Mac OS X header files. The built-in “Development Resources” indexing rule can be configured to scan headers. However, this has two problems:
- The headers are commingled with the HTML reference files. I do want access to the reference files, but sometimes I know I want to open the header.
- It opens headers from the 10.4u SDK even though I’m running Leopard.
Here’s a LaunchBar AppleScript that will only open headers, and it will open all the matching headers:
on handle_string(_string) do shell script "echo '1' | open -h " & _string's quoted form end handle_string
The “1” is because if there are multiple matches, open will ask you what it should do:
open -h NSAttr NSAttr? [0] cancel [1] all [2] /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Headers/NSAttributedString.h [3] /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreData.framework/Headers/NSAttributeDescription.h [4] /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Headers/NSAttributedString.h
And I want to pick “all.”