Archive for October 1, 2003

Wednesday, October 1, 2003

ATPM 9.10

The October issue of ATPM is out.

What’s Up

Giles Turnbull had the bright idea of getting pictures of different people’s Docks, and others such as Erik Barzeski and Judi Sohn have joined in. Here’s my Dock, as it was when I read Turnbull’s article:

My Dock

Finder, Path Finder, Mailsmith, BBEdit, Internet Explorer, iCab (no longer my primary browser, but good to keep a second group of documents open), NetNewsWire, Super Get Info, Safari, Apple Mail, Preview, File Adopter, OmniOutliner, Terminal, CVL, Watson, Console, Project Builder, Mesh (in-house Web tool), Script Debugger, Disk Copy, DropDMG, BBAutoComplete, SpamSieve, iTunes, FrameMaker+SGML, Photoshop Elements, Trash (full, as it should be).

Need a Mirror?

ATPM has some extra bandwidth again, so we’re restarting our software mirrors page. If you write cool Mac software and need help hosting your download, contact us.

SpamSieve 2.0.2

SpamSieve IconSpamSieve 2.0.2 makes support for Apple Mail official and includes a bunch of fixes and improvements.