Thursday, September 24, 2015

Apple Music for Android

Russell Ivanovic:

Remember back in June when Apple promised to bring their music app to Android in September? No? I do, because I was sitting in the keynote room at the time. My prevailing thought at the time was a simple one: “This is going to be fascinating. Will Apple try to clone their iOS app, or embrace Material Design, rise above pettiness and make something amazing?”.


I don’t know how much of an indication it gives you, but here’s their first ever Android app, released today […] It’s a poor attempt at making an Android app look like an iOS app. If you’re being generous, you might think Apple did this to make you more comfortable about moving to iOS.

Russell Ivanovic:

Apple Music on Android has the potential to be the best music app Apple has ever made.


They won’t be burdened by any legacy implementation: they could literally build it from scratch, with all the lessons they’ve learnt to date.

They don’t have the burden of having to play your local music like the iOS app, it could be a dedicated app for Apple sourced music only.

They can update the app as often as they want, iterating on things fast, since unlike iOS it’s not tied to OS releases.

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