Monday, January 19, 2015

Kindling Projects

Ned Batchelder:

New programmers often need small projects to work on as they hone their skills. Exercises in courses are too small, and don’t leave much room for self-direction or extending to follow the interests of the student. “Real” projects, either in the open-source world or at work, tend to be overwhelming and come with real-world constraints that prevent experimentation and pure coding practice.

Kindling projects are meant to fill this gap: simple enough that a new learner can take them on, but with possibilities for extension and creativity. Large enough that there isn’t one right answer, but designed to be hacked on by a learner simply to flex their muscles.

Update (2015-01-20): Tim Schmitz:

Ned is mostly talking about new programmers, but this is quite similar to what I had in mind when I started my current app project. The idea was to get some experience working with Swift as well as a few other technologies that I haven't worked with extensively in the past. Even though I'm not new to programming, we're all relatively new to Swift.

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[…] I also believe that you might benefit from having small projects yourself. Michael Tsai wrote about Kindling projects in 2015. But it’s still relevant. A small step into this direction (because not everyone […]

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