Mailsmith 2.2 Semi-Public Beta
Bare Bones has made available a pre-release version Mailsmith 2.2, which is a universal binary and features numerous enhancements—including Spotlight support, Unicode, BBEdit 8.6–style clippings, format=flowed, inline spell-checking, a more flexible Simple Query window, and improved integration with SpamSieve.
Rather than just marking a message as spam or not spam, Mailsmith now records and displays the spam score that tells how spammy or good SpamSieve thought each message was. For example, messages with scores from 0 to 49 are predicted to be good, while those with scores from 50 to 100 are predicted to be spam. A message with a score of 99 is almost certainly spam, while a message with a score of 73 is probably spam. By sorting the (spam) mailbox by spam score, you can quickly review the relatively small number of low-scoring spam messages to check for false positives, without having to scan through all really obvious spam. Mailsmith 2.2 also adds a “Recalculate Spam Score” command, which lets you re-apply SpamSieve to a selection of messages.
Be sure to read the extensive change notes and caveats about pre-release software before downloading.
5 Comments RSS · Twitter
Download link is not working. I assume that this is because your servers are overwhelmed. Will there be any limit on distribution of this?
Sorry that the above implied you are connected to Bare Bones directly - I am somewhat addled today. Still, does anyone know whether this is just a bandwidth problem?
Seth Dillingham posts his thoughts about 2.2. I agree: Misc:AlwaysUseSelectedMailboxesForQuery is a must.